Pregnancy-Related Complications DiagnosticsPatentedClinical validation

GeneSpector offers a groundbreaking method for predicting pregnancy-related complications by analyzing blood samples during the first trimester (10th-13th week). This approach effectively predicts conditions like preeclampsia, fetal growth restriction, preterm birth, and gestational hypertension, significantly improving early intervention and prenatal care. It also identifies undiagnosed chronic hypertension, a key risk factor for complications, offering a high success rate in managing and preventing severe maternal and fetal outcomes.

Investments pitch


Product / technology
Discovery stageDevelopmentScale-upCommercializationCommercial partner
Proof-of-conceptPre-clinic dataClinical validationCE / IVDRMarket
Pregnancy-Related Complications Diagnostics
(RT-PCR / miRNA Biomarker)
Progress: 42 %

Project details

Number of different pregnancy complications can occur, especially during late stages of pregnancy, such as Preeclampsia, Fetal Growth Restriction, Gestational Hypertension, Small for Gestational Age Fetus, or Preterm Birth. These complications can not only endanger the life or health of the mother and her child, but also cause irreversible changes in their metabolism and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular systems. Undetected and unmanaged, these changes can manifest themselves years later in a form of heart attacks, strokes, intellectual disabilities, diabetes mellitus, or other metabolic disorders.

Key to a successful management or even prevention of pregnancy complications is an efficient prediction. However, current prediction methods—relying mainly on mother’s anamnesis, biochemical examination, and sonographic examination—can predict only specific subtypes of Preeclampsia and Fetal Growth Restriction and only with a significantly limited success rate.

Presented method for prediction of pregnancy complications has a potential to cause a revolution in prenatal care. By monitoring a specific set of biomarkers in a blood sample, it can predict the following set of pregnancy complications with a significantly high success rate as early as during 10th week of pregnancy:

  • Preeclampsia (PE) – Types: early PE (before 34th week), late PE (after 34th week), mild PE, severe PE
  • Fetal Growth Restriction (FGR) – Types: early FGR (before 32nd week), late FGR (after 32nd week)
  • Preterm Birth (PB) – Types: Spontaneous Preterm Birth, Preterm Premature Rupture of Membranes, PB in any phase of pregnancy between 24th and 37th week
  • Small for Gestational Age Fetus (SGA) – Types: early SGA (birth before 34th week), late SGA (birth after 34th week)
  • Gestational Hypertension (GH)

Additionally, using the same set of biomarkers, the method can detect undiagnosed Chronic Hypertension, which is a significant risk factor for pregnancy complications.


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US subsidiary

GeneSpector Innovations USA, Inc.
3500 South Dupont Highway
Dover DE 19901

EU subsidiary

GeneSpector s.r.o.
Petrska 1180/3
110 00 Prague, Czech Republic